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How To Solve The Problem Of Drain Pipe Blockage?

Mar. 04, 2019

The drainage pipe is blocked and the sewage cannot be removed in time. This is a problem. The dirt that is blocked in the drainage pipe will also stagnate and cause another problem. Of course, PEX Pipes Supplier pointed out that most of the reason for the blockage of the drain pipe is that there is no filter installed, or the pipe selection and setting are not reasonable enough. The accumulated residue is the main culprit of pipe blockage.

Since the drain pipe is not only water, but also other domestic garbage, it is best to choose the key to have a unique reinforced structure, so that the pipe connection is more sturdy, the drainage will be smoother and not blocked.

One point is regular pipeline disinfection and maintenance, using professional pipeline curing agent, regular sewage pipe cleaning machine, disinfection and sterilization, while keeping the sewer pipe unobstructed, it is also to avoid the pipeline becoming a breeding ground for pathogens.

If you encounter a blockage caused by human factors, try to pour the appropriate amount of soda powder into the sewer, then pour the right amount of high-concentration vinegar. When the soda powder and vinegar react chemically, you can easily remove the grease in the pipeline. And greasy stuff.

Our PEX Tubing can provide you with good quality assurance. If you have any questions, please contact us and we will have a professional team to help you solve the problem.

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