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Choose The Common Sense Of Water Pipes For Home Decoration

Oct. 19, 2018

Water pipes are concealed works in home improvement, and maintenance is very troublesome. Buying good quality water pipes can save you from worries. The following small series introduces you to a few common senses for choosing water pipes for home decoration.

1. PPR Pipe Cold Water, steel-plastic water pipes and copper pipes are generally used for home decoration water pipes. The price of steel-plastic pipes is relatively high, and the price of PPR water pipes is high. Compared with steel and plastic pipe fittings, the price of copper pipe is the most expensive, and the price is equivalent to about 4 times that of PPR pipe.

2. The water pipe for home decoration should be avoided from the ground, preferably from the top or the wall, the pipe usage may increase slightly, but it is conducive to future pipeline maintenance.

3. The wall thickness of the hot and cold water pipes is different. The cold water pipes cannot be used as hot water pipes. The convenient way to distinguish the hot and cold water pipes is to have a red line mark on the hot water pipes.

4. The standard length of PPR pipe is four meters per piece. When buying, please ask the price of each pipe or the price of pipe per meter. After the pipe is sent, remember to check whether the length of the pipe meets the requirements.

5. The water pipe for home decoration should pay attention to the pipe diameter and wall thickness. Generally, the main pipe should use 6 pipes, and the pipe can be used with 4 pipes. In order to ensure the water consumption, the pipe can also use 6 pipes.

6. When choosing the pipe for home decoration, pay attention to whether the inner diameter of the pipe is symmetrical. The unevenness of the pipe diameter will affect the docking of the two interfaces.

We also have PPR Reducing Tee, PPR True Union Ball Valve, etc. We can contact you to find out more about water pipes.

PPR Pipe Cold Water

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