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Why Choose PEX Pipe?

Aug. 07, 2018

It is no stranger to mention plastic pipes today. It is well known that there are many plastic pipes in the Chinese market. Why do we choose PEX Pipes as pipes for hot and cold water?

1. PEX pipe does not have to worry, the pipe is doped back;

2. PEX materials will be completely different from other materials in nature;

3. PEX is a thermosetting material; and PP-R, PE-RT, PVC, PE and other materials are all thermoplastic materials.

Thermoset materials are not recyclable, and thermoplastic materials can be recycled repeatedly. Therefore, when the PEX pipeline is in production, there is absolutely no way to add the return material. Pipes of other thermoplastic materials can be added back, and even some pipe standards allow a certain proportion of the return material to be added.

We not only have PEX Pipes China, but also PERT Tubing for your choice. Welcome to consult.

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